Aug 28 Celloglas News
The future of packaging: Celloglas and Mirri to attend Packaging Innovations 2018

The annual Packaging Innovations event returns next month to showcase the future of branded and inspirational packaging – and we’re exhibiting our range of opulent speciality finishes and materials.
The event, which is held across two days, provides a fantastic programme of inspiring speakers and seminars, and we’ll be joining some 180 leading suppliers to demonstrate the latest in packaging innovations. Those in attendance will pick up tips on how to revitalise packaging, increase brand awareness and boost sales because of it.
We’ll be demonstrating all the latest products Celloglas has to offer, as well as showing off how Mirri’s luxury attention-commanding finish can propel products to high-end status.
Drop by and say hello. Find us on stand F24 at the exhibition, which is held at Olympia London on September 12th and 13th. Head over to Packaging Innovations 2018 for more information about the event.